Tinkerbell thumbnails....I thought I would try something a little different and post some thumbnails I did for a scene with Tinkerbell. For those of you who have never heard the term "thumbnails", I'll do my best to explain. I could ramble on about everything it involves and how important it is, but basically they are quick little sketches done to help you plan out your scene. It's incredibly intimidating to start a scene...staring at that blank piece of paper, so having your "thumbnails" really helps you get your thoughts down and over that first hurdle. Enjoy!
A sketch, nothing more, nothing less...This was done a couple of months ago while sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. I hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks again for stopping by. Cheers.
Daddy's little angels!!...This is a rough drawing that I painted up in photoshop...The characters need some tweaking but I'm happy with the direction it's going in. I may do some more drawings with these characters.....perhaps a story is developing.

Peter Pan Sketches...These were life drawings done while working on Peter Pan II: Return to Neverland. We would take the models poses and draw them as Peter. We did the same for some of the other main characters as well. It was a fantastic way of getting us prepared for the film.
Again...boy and creature..First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has stopped by my little blog. Your kind words are incredibly encouraging. I thank you all.This idea has been bouncing around in my head for almost 2 years now. I've posted a few different sketches which surrounds my story. I guess since I'm an animator and not a writer, I feel more comfortable "boarding" it instead of writing. I have pages and pages of thumbnails, story sketches and quick notes which helps me with character development, design as well as story. I really hopes it comes together....only time will tell.
Spanish Guitar...A quick sketch. I was taking guitar lessons when I drew this. I have this dream of being able to play but unfortunately it's going a lot slower than I had hoped.
Two aliens..the best of friends.I'm sure we've all seen this before....Blue, is very intelligent, incredibly short tempered and has an impressive collection of baseball caps from around the Globe. Tangerine, enjoys swimming, salsa dancing and rocking out to Olivia Newton John's "physical" while cruising in his 74' Pinto!
Pirates...what else!Two characters I came up with while riding on the the train...no particular reason. Do they get along? Are they about to scrap? I have no idea, but it's just always fun to draw pirates!!
A boy and his creature.... A couple of ideas I'm playing with in regards to my children's book. Like I mentioned below..I have more visuals done than actual story. I've been having a great time just playing around with character design and art direction.

micallef 2006
A mixed bag.....I thought I would put a collection of some animation drawings done over the last several years.
Inspired...These roughs were done while watching "The Lord of the Rings-Two Towers". It's my own attempt at the Ents designs. I thought I would try adding some colour...not sure if it works, but it's fun to play!
Dust this one off....An old animation drawing of Thrax from the film "Osmosis Jones". I came across this last night while searching through me desk....I thought it would be a good way to end my first week of blogging. It's been a blast and I hope everyone has a great weekend!
A few character designs....
A Story Idea...... These are a few character sketches for a story idea I am working on. I have more visuals than story but it's a fun process none the less. Right now the story can go in two directions so I am hoping the character development will guide me on the right path.
Having some fun!!..... This was a Birthday card I drew up for my little brothers 30th birthday!!....most appropriate! I hope to throw it into Photoshop in the near future and add some color...perhaps I'll post it again if I'm happy with the results. Cheers!
Just another quick sketch... A friend of mine asked me to do some character designs.....this one seemed to capture the personality I was looking for.
Just to start things off..... I thought I would post a quick sketch I did of one of my favorite actors...Charlie Chaplin!